Prof. Petr Hajek
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Bio: Petr Hajek is currently a Professor with the Science and Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. He was also a visiting professor of the University of Czestochowa. He is the author or coauthor of five books and more than 70 articles in leading journals such as the Information Sciences, Decision Support Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems. His current research interests include business decision making, soft computing, text mining and knowledge-based systems. He has served on many international program committees and he is also a member of the editorial board of several international leading journals. He was a recipient of the Rector Award for Scientific Excellence in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and six Best Paper Awards at international scientific conferences.
Abstract: Since Bitcoin is not backed by the government, its value is not determined by economic fundamentals and is rather determined by market supply and demand with quite considerable volatility. Confidence among Bitcoin users is thus likely determined by their attitudes and sentiment regarding Bitcoin. Indeed, recent studies of the determinants of Bitcoin price increasingly highlight the importance of investor sentiment. The talk will compare different approaches used to estimate investor sentiment, including market-based measures, direct survey-based measures, Google Trends, and text-based sentiment. Particular attention will be given to news-based sentiment that have shown great potential in the prediction of Bitcoin price. I will also present how integrating investor sentiment into multivariate prediction models can improve the performance of Bitcoin price prediction models.
Bio:Dr. Hirogaki is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing Strategy at Kyushu University, Graduate School of Economics, Department of Business and Technology Management (QBS Business School), where he teaches Marketing Strategy and International Marketing. Dr. Hirogaki’s current research focuses on Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior in international marketing and marketing strategies in mature, developed societies. He is a member of Japanese Economic Association, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, and Japan Association for Consumer Studies.
Abstract:The extreme shift in consumer attitudes brought about by the pandemic is still a major challenge for marketing in retail stores. This presentation will present a series of empirical study results of purchasing behavior in retail stores during "the state of emergency" period. Retailers implemented a series of safety measures in line with government safety protocols and recommendations, but the severity of these measures varied from retailer to retailer. In addition, consumer perceptions to the extent in which store safety measures were implemented by retailers varied. How did these differences in the degree of stringency of retailers' safety measures and consumers' perceptions affect their loyalty to the stores? I will also discuss the impact of Japanese cultural characteristics (especially collectivistic culture) on these results.
Prof. Lee Chei Sian
Nanyang Technological
Bio: Dr Lee Chei Sian Lee is currently an associate professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore where she is also the Associate Chair (Faculty). She obained her PhD in Management Information Systems from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is actively involved in research on issues related to the use of social media and information and communication technologies (ICT) that supports work, learning and social interactions. Her work has been widely published in international journals including the Journal of Educational Computing Research, the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Computers and Education, Computers in Human Behavior and New Media and Society. She has been involved in several funded projects in varying capacities as principal investigator, co-investigator and collaborator. She is currently on the Editorial Advisory Board for Computers and Education and Online Information Review.
Abstract: Online learning platforms (OLP) aim to bridge the digital divide and promote educational equity globally. Despite its potential, the adoption rate of these platforms remains relatively low, and research on drivers and barriers influencing the adoption of such platforms in Asia is very limited. To fill this research gap, this research extends current research on innovation and technology adoption to propose a conceptual framework, Technology-User-Environment (TUE), to identify drivers and barriers to adopting OLP in Asia. To develop the TUE framework, we identified and conceptualized the factors from three dimensions (i.e., technology, user and social environment). This presentation discussed the findings from 2 studies from data collected via a large-scale survey and focus group discussions. Notably, the TUE framework provides a comprehensive understanding of the drivers and barriers by incorporating the perspectives of both adopters and non-adopters. The practical and theoretical implications of the research will be discussed.
Prof. Bambang Leo Handoko
Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Bio: Associate Professor Bambang Leo Handoko, academics and practitioners in the field of Auditing. Experience as auditor in public accounting firm, internal auditor for corporations and auditor for securing vital objects of the National Police Headquarters. He is an expert in financial auditing, forensic accounting, information technology auditing and also e-business. He has had many international publications in reputable journals and proceedings with many citation and acknowledgement from international researchers. He had won a lot of research grant from institution and government. Currently work as Subject Content Coordinator Auditing in Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic and Communication, Bina Nusantara University of Indonesia. He also technical committee in many reputable journal publisher and earn Scopus hi Index.
Abstract: Auditors must begin to develop their skills to face industry 4.0. The spread of Covid-19 has further encouraged auditors to conduct remote audits and provides an opportunity to rethink the way audits are conducted. In this study, the researcher wanted to find out how the influence of competence, professionalism, and audit deadlines on the effectiveness of remote audits. This research is quantitative, with data processing using primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to auditors who work at Public Accounting Firms in Jakarta. Statistical analysis using multiple linear regression, before conducting a feasibility test through validity, reliability and classical assumption tests. The results showed that the variables of competence, professionalism, and audit time limit had a significant effect on the effectiveness of remote auditing.